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  5. Credit Lyonnais Bank in Monte Carlo around 1960

Credit Lyonnais Bank in Monte Carlo around 1960

I believe this is a picture of Monte-Carlo in France taken in about 1960.

The first thing I focused on in this picture after I'd scanned it, is the large building at the end of the tree lined avenue. It's not easy to see it on the smaller picture on Found-Film, but in Lightroom, I can zoom in and see that the building has written on it, 'Bank Credit Lyonnais'. Armed with this information, I did a search on google images and found an image on this page which looks very much like the same building. Unfortunately, I can't find that building in Street View, and I couldn't find the long tree lined avenue either, but I've set the location as Monte-Carlo because I believe that is the general location.

The main subject of the image is the group of people standing at the bottom of the picture next to some cars. I don't know if they all know each other or the photographer, but certainly there seem to be some groups who are chatting and therefore I assume are friends. Again, it's easier to see this in Lightroom, but the lady on the extreme right is wearing a pair of white horn-rimmed glasses which look very '1960' to me.

The cars in the picture and the clothes being worn, suggests this medium format colour slide was taken in the late 1950s or early 1960s.

This photo was added to the collection on August 25, 2017

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