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  5. Family group picnic and portrait - July 1966

Family group picnic and portrait - July 1966

A large family gathering or a group of friends at a picnic or other social gathering somewhere in the mid 1960s.

There are a large number of people in this group - I counted thirteen and there may be others who are hidden behind others in the foreground. I can't make my mind up if this is a picnic - I can't actually see any food, but several people are drinking from matching plastic cups which look like they come from a picnic set. The thing that interests me most about this picture is the odd camera the chap in the bottom left hand corner is holding - it's not one I recognise at all but I think can see it has a large film advance wheel - or possibly, as Mike suggests in the comments below, perhaps this is a large eye cup and it is a movie camera?

The date on the slide mount is July 1966.

This photo was added to the collection on March 23, 2017

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