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  5. Interior portrait with TV from 1968

Interior portrait with TV from 1968

This Agfacolour slide shows a portrait of a man sitting in an armchair in a typical 1960s interior. The patterned carpet and style of the chair would make it relatively easy to date this picture, along with the TV, but in fact there is an index card which tells us that it was taken in June 1968.

The TV seems to be reasonably up to date for 1968 since it appears to be a dual standard model. These were made when the BBC introduced the BBC2 625 line service in 1964 prior to the introduction of colour in 1967. Until all the channels moved to the new service, dual standard televisions were introduced which could switch between the old 405 line service and the new 625 line. Although these days a 4 year old TV would be considered old, in the mid 1960s, people didn't replace things with the frequency we do today and most people would not have bought a new TV for the new service.

The location of course is more difficult to pin down, but the TV again suggests this is in the UK.

This photo was added to the collection on January 8, 2017

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